How to play cricket

How to play cricket for intermediate players.

Cricket is a sport that requires physical agility for batting, bowling and fielding. Both teams have 11 players each playing at the same time. The ICC has designed many rules for this game. These are the same for both male and female players. At the start of the game, the captains of both teams and the match referee gather to draw lots. The captain who wins the throw gets the bat/catch first. This process is the same for all formats. However, dress code and field restrictions vary by format. Players must wear an all-white t-shirt and trousers for Test matches and coloured t-shirts and trousers for ODI and T20 matches.

The game of cricket consists of two teams of 11 players, with one team taking turns batting to score and the other team rolling and receiving the ball to prevent the opponent from scoring. The main goal of cricket is to score as many points as possible in a match against an opponent. Before the game begins, the captains of both teams toss a coin, and the winner of the coin toss decides which team bats and catches first.

All 11 fielders must be on the field during the game, but only two batsmen are allowed. One player is selected from the fielding team and is called the bowler, while the remaining 10 players are called the fielders. The bowler then tries to hit the wicket with the ball, and one of the fielders – especially the wicketkeeper – hides behind the wicket to catch the ball if he misses it.

How to play cricket for beginners.

The basic idea is to hit the ball as far as possible and get the run. But hitting every ball won’t help, as this method can get you out by getting caught or bowling. There are many tricks you can use to make yourself a better player ( The video below explains some tips on basic cricket shooting.

There are many other little rules and details to learn about cricket, not to mention cricket strategy. Use this guide as a starting point for learning the basics of the game, then supplement your knowledge with information from more advanced sources.

I actually advise against playing cricket in your first game. They can be heavy. Beginners may want to use tennis for their first game. In fact, many Indians, and of course many other countries, are playing tennis or rubber balls. If you just want to have fun, regular tennis is recommended. Once you’re in the game and want to level up, you can use a traditional leather ball.

You can also use a ball made of a material that is harder to hit and is therefore recommended for players who are trying to get better.

  • Don’t let the ball get in your hands when you’re playing. Hold the ball at the back, near your body. You should also use a cricket glove. It protects your hand and makes it easier to hit the ball.
  • Don’t try to hit the ball with a full swing. Do a light swing and try to hit the ball straight. If you have a full swing, you won’t get as far as you should.
  • Make sure that your opponent hits the ball before you hit the ball. You should try to get in position before your opponent.
  • Try to get the ball to move in the direction you want. If you get the ball to move, you can do the same with your opponent.
  • If you can’t get the ball to move in the direction you want, try to move your opponent in the direction you want.
  • If you want to get the ball to move, try to hit it with a straight bat.
  • Don’t hit the ball so hard that it goes too fast and moves away from you.
  • Don’t swing the bat so hard that it breaks.
  • If you can’t hit the ball, try to get your opponent out of position by moving in the direction you want.
  • The best way to hit a cricket ball is with a straight bat.
  • You should aim to hit the ball as far as possible.
  • The best way to hit a cricket ball is with a straight bat.
  • If you miss the ball, your opponent is the one who will get the run.


The game of cricket consists of two teams of 11 players, with one team taking turns batting to score and the other team rolling and receiving the ball to prevent the opponent from scoring. Before the game begins, the captains of both teams toss a coin, and the winner of the coin toss decides which team bats and catches first. The basic idea is to hit the ball as far as possible and get the run. But hitting every ball won’t help, as this method can get you out by getting caught or bowling. There are many other little rules and details to learn about cricket, not to mention cricket strategy. The video below explains some tips on basic cricket shooting.

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